Custom Logging

Recording key events and managed errors to boost app reliability and debugging efficiency

Logging Messages and Capturing Handled Exceptions enhances app reliability by recording key events and errors during app execution.

  1. Logging Messages:

Logs various types of informational, debug, warning, or error messages to capture events, notifications, or actions within the application. It supports custom messages and timestamps for tracking events.

Here is the sample code snippet:

    message: 'Your custom message',
    maxLength: 10,
    exceptionObj: { 'custom key': 'Your custom message' }
  1. Logging Exceptions:

Logs exceptions and errors encountered by the application, providing detailed stack traces and context to aid in debugging and troubleshooting. This feature ensures critical data is logged promptly to diagnose and resolve issues.

Here is the sample code snippet:

    message: 'Your custom message',
    maxLength: 10,
    exceptionObj: { 'custom key': 'Your custom message' }

Note: For custom logging, if maxLength is not provided, it will default to capturing the full length.

This feature ensures you have the essential data to quickly diagnose and resolve issues, thereby improving your app's functionality and reliability.

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