Zipy Recording Control

Zipy allows you to record user sessions by capturing screen activity and interactions. For privacy or security reasons, you may need to stop the recording on specific routes, such as during checkout or while viewing sensitive data.

Stop Recording

The zipy.record.stop() function can be used to stop recording based on user actions or route changes. However, note that this stop functionality does not persist across page refreshes. On refresh a new session is created.

Example: Stop Recording on /checkout Route

To prevent recording on sensitive routes like /checkout, stop the recording as soon as the user navigates to that route:

if (currentRoute === "/checkout") {

Once called, the recording stops for the current session. However, if the page is refreshed, a new session will be created.

Start Recording

To resume recording, reinitialize the Zipy SDK, which creates a new session for the same user:

zipy.init("<YOUR_APIKEY>"); // Starts a new session and resumes recording

Important Note:

Page refresh: On a page refresh, the stop functionality does not persist, and a new session will automatically begin.

Last updated