iFrame Support

Does Zipy support capturing content present within the iframe element

Zipy offers support for capturing iframes across a wide range of application scenarios. However, it's important to note that the way you integrate and configure Zipy may vary depending on specific iframe use cases. In this section, we will explore these possibilities.

Iframe configuration
  1. The parent page and the embedded iframe run on the same domain.

A single-domain site using iframes to organize various components

Integrate and initialize Zipy on the parent page.

  1. The parent page and the embedded iframe run on two different domains.

A cross-domain site using iframes to organize various components.

Zipy should be integrated and initialized in both the parent and the iframe application**

  1. The parent page embeds an iframe and you want to capture the iframe app content only in that page.

Your content is embedded into a third-party site that doesn’t use Zipy.

Integrate and initialize Zipy in the iFrame app. Use the below code snippet: zipy.init("YOUR_PROJECT_SDK_KEY", {recordOnlyIframe : true});

  1. The parent page has Zipy integrated and initialized, but you don’t have access to the cross-domain iframe content source code to integrate Zipy.

A third-party support widget embedded in your site.

Iframe recording in such a case is not Supported

How to integrate Zipy?


** To support the cross-origin iframe please contact zipy support team or email to support@zipy.ai

Last updated