Performance Impact
What is the performance impact of Zipy on my app?
We believe that customer experience is as important for you as it is for us. We understand your concern that -
Your app pages should not slow down at Load Time
Your app pages should not slow down at Run Time
Zipy will not slow down your product.
How does Zipy make sure it does not impact your product’s run-time performance?
For run-time performance we ensure the following
Zipy code does not block your UX main thread at any point, nor does it slow down the page rendering.
Zipy does not send complete information every time to the Zipy server. It sends only delta changes and the majority of packet sizes are of the order of a few KBs.
There is no processing done at the SDK side in the main event loop while the sessions are recorded, so this does not impact the browser rendering.
The network activity is optimised, runs asynchronously and data is uploaded to Zipy servers at an optimal frequency.
Sharing some sample test pages with and without Zipy to showcase that Zipy does not interfere with your runtime performance. As is evident from the Performance Summary & Event Log screenshots below, there is hardly any negative impact of Zipy SDK on the runtime performance of the page.
Without Zipy Integration - SDK Runtime Summary and Event Log:
With Zipy Integration - SDK Runtime Summary and Event Log:
How does Zipy make sure it does not impact load-time performance for your product?
We know how important it is for you to load your page very quickly. To make sure we do not impact your page load time we have taken multiple measures as below.
Zipy SDK size is of the order of 29 kb
Zipy SDK is compressed by default
The SDK is served from a CDN
The SDK can also be build using an npm
One can use the optional defer tag to further delay the loading of Zipy SDK
As can be seen from Lighthouse load time auditing screenshots of a sample page with and without Zipy SDK integrated, Zipy does not interfere with your load time performance.
Without Zipy Integration - Test with Lighthouse:
With Zipy Integration - Test with Lighthouse:
Last updated