Seen/Unseen Sessions


The "Seen/Unseen" feature in Zipy helps users quickly identify whether a session has already been viewed or remains unviewed. This functionality is designed to streamline session management by providing clear visual indicators, allowing users to focus on the sessions that require attention.


The purpose of the "Seen/Unseen" feature is to:

  • Clearly differentiate between viewed and unviewed sessions.

  • Provide an intuitive way for users to manage session reviews.

How It Works

Seen Session

  • Definition: A session is marked as "Seen" once it has been watched or reviewed by a user.

  • Visual Indicator: In the session table, "Seen" sessions are greyed out, signaling to the user that the session has been viewed.

  • Behavior: The status automatically updates after a session is watched. Once greyed out, the session remains marked as "Seen".

Unseen Session

  • Definition: A session is marked as "Unseen" if it has not yet been viewed by the user.

  • Visual Indicator: In the session table, "Unseen" sessions are not greyed out, making them easily distinguishable and prompting users to review these sessions.

  • Behavior: Once an "Unseen" session is viewed, it transitions to "Seen" and is greyed out.

Key Features

  • Automatic Status Update: The system automatically transitions the session's status between "Seen" and "Unseen" based on user interactions.

  • Visual Clarity: The use of greyed-out sessions for "Seen" and non-greyed-out for "Unseen" provides a clear, user-friendly way to navigate through the session table.


  • Efficiency: Users can quickly identify and focus on unviewed sessions, improving workflow efficiency.

  • Collaboration: Teams can easily track session review status, ensuring that work isn’t duplicated.

  • Visual Simplicity: The clear distinction between "Seen" (greyed out) and "Unseen" (not greyed out) sessions makes it easy for users to manage and track their progress.


The "Seen/Unseen" feature in Zipy provides a simple yet effective way to manage session reviews. By leveraging visual indicators—greyed-out for "Seen" and non-greyed-out for "Unseen"—the feature enhances workflow efficiency and collaboration across teams.

Last updated