Install Flutter

How do I install Zipy in my Flutter mobile application?

Steps to install Zipy

  1. Installing Zipy Plugin

flutter pub add zipy_flutter

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml and run flutter pub get

  zipy_flutter: ^0.0.10
  1. Import the Zipy module and initialize it in your main.dart or another source file used as the entry point:

import 'package:zipy_flutter/zipy_flutter.dart'; // import

void main() {
WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // Initialize the binding.
Zipy.init(key: 'YOUR_API_KEY');

Important: To view session replays, it is necessary to implement Gesture Capturing.

Haven't set up an account or Zipy project yet? No worries! Just pop over to to get started.

Once you're all set, come back here to continue.

Last updated