Gesture Capturing

Capturing user Gestures for comprehensive interaction tracking

Gesture Capture is a feature provided by Zipy that allows you to capture gestures within your Flutter application. To enable this feature, wrap your application with the ZipyWrapper wrapper.

  1. Wrap ZipyWrapper to your main app.

import 'package:zipy_flutter/zipy_flutter.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  Zipy.init(key: 'YOUR_API_KEY');
  runApp(const ZipyWrapper(child: MyApp()));


import 'package:zipy_flutter/zipy_flutter.dart';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ZipyWrapper(
      child: MaterialApp(
        navigatorObservers: [ZipyNavigationObserver()],
        home: const HomeScreen(),
        routes: {
          '/profile': (context) => const ProfileScreen(),

Gesture Capture provides useful information, including:

  • The x and y coordinates of user clicks.

  • Detection of single taps, double taps, and long taps.

  • The component tree on which the user has clicked.

  • Identification of the clicked element type (e.g., view, text).

  • The specific text clicked by the user (e.g., "Get Started").

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